The Three Doshas: Understanding Your Ayurvedic Body Type
Posted on September 21, 2023
The Three Doshas: Understanding Your Ayurvedic Body Type

The ancient wisdom of Ayurveda has a profound potential to maintain holistic well-being and balance life. The principles and practices of Ayurveda recognize that each individual has a unique constitution; to maintain good health condition, first, you must understand your own body constitution. Your body constitution is related to the concept of doshas, the fundamental energies of nature with the physical, mental, and emotional features. Through the blog, ‘The Three Doshas: Understanding Your Ayurvedic Body Type’, we take you on a journey to explore the three doshas such as Vata, Pitta, and Kapha, discovering how they mold your individual natures and a balanced existence. Keep reading to learn more about this fascinating world of Ayurveda from the experts of the best Ayurvedic clinic in Dubai.

What are Doshas?

According to Ayurveda, doshas are basic elements that constitute an individual’s physical, mental, and emotional characteristics. There are three primary doshas namely, Vata, Pitta, and Kapha, that are associated with the major five elements of nature- water, earth, fire, air, and ether. Vata is formed by air and ether, possessing the qualities of creativity and mobility, Pitta consists of fire and water, having the qualities of ambition and intelligence, Kapha is composed of earth and water, having stability and nurturing qualities. For healthy living and overall well-being of your body and mind, you must maintain a balance in these doshas. Dr. Jasna’s Ayurveda Clinic which offers the best Ayurvedic treatment in Dubai follows a holistic Ayurvedic approach that helps to maintain a balance among these doshas through lifestyle, herbal remedies, and diet. 

The 3 Body Types

According to the principles of Ayurveda, the three energies of nature that constitute the human body are Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. The imbalance in any of these doshas results in both physical and psychological illness says our best ayurvedic doctor in Dubai. As nature has different characteristics in different seasons, individuals too possess similar properties; they undergo changes physiologically or psychologically with varying proportions in these doshas. Here are more details about the three doshas with profound insights into our personal traits and their maintenance with reference to these doshas. 


One of the three primary doshas in Ayurveda, Vata is referred to as ‘wind’ or ‘ether’. It symbolizes the features of air and space, making it, basically, light, dry, cold, and mobile. Usually, people with a dominant constitution of Vata are creative, energetic, and fast-thinkers. But, an excess of Vata can result in anxiety, restlessness, fear, overthinking, and physical issues like digestion problems and dry skin. To optimize Vata dosha, you can make some changes in lifestyle like intake of fresh and nourishing foods, and practice exercises or yoga to calm your mind. In order to maintain the balance of the body, it is essential to understand and manage Vata dosha and practice essential remedies for its balance. 

Some major functions of Vata Dosha are as follows:

  • Strengthens tissues

  • Controls all movements of the body.

  • Helps in the proper functioning of respiration.

  • Helps in the proper functionaing of the heart including contractions of its muscles and blood flow.

  • Manages common body functions like thirst, sleep, hunger, etc

  • Plays a role in the communication of the brain through the nervous system to the body.


One of the major doshas, PItta, has the qualities of water and fire, providing it the characteristics that are sharp, hot, and intense. People dominant in Pitta Dosha are, usually, organized, ambitious, and possess strong leadership qualities. They are good at making decisions, so they are preferred for roles that demand precision and decision-making skills. But, when Pitta is excess in one’s body, it would lead to perfectionism, irritability, and some physical imbalances such as digestive issues and inflammations. To maintain the optimal condition of the body for people with excess Pitta, they must find methods to calm themselves from fiery temperament, have cooling foods, and practice yoga or exercise for relaxation of both the body and mind. Pitta is an essential dosha in your body, but if it exceeds the required amount, it may turn into stress creating imbalance. 

The following are some of the major functions of the Pitta Dosha:

  • Controls metabolic functions of the body.

  • Helps in the proper functioning of the digestive system.

  • Helps in maintaining optimal body temperature as Pitta is associated with fire.

  • Controls emotions and feelings.

  • Has a significant role in creating intelligence and bodily luster.


Kapha, which is another major dosha refers to the elements of earth and eater, having qualities such as heavy, stable, smooth, and moist. People who have predominance in Kapha are seen as calm, patient, and nurturing. They show a natural interest in caregiving and serving others. However, an excess of Kapha in your body can lead to weight gain, emotional attachment and changes, and seasonal allergies. Start taking light and warming food, and practice exercises that give you energy and motivation to create a balance of Kapha Dosha. Kapha dosha is also an unavoidable part of your body as it helps in maintaining the stability and support of your body.

Given below are some of the functions of Kapha Dosha:

  • Maintains immunity and vitality.

  • Provides strength and stability to the structure of the body. 

  • Helps in hydrating the cells and tissues of the body as it is associated with water.

  • Helps in keeping your skin moisturized. 

  • Ensures lubrication to the joints for its proper functioning. 

If you are still in search of the best Ayurvedic doctor in Dubai for the treatment of any dosha imbalance, never think more. Visit Dr Jasna’s Ayurveda Clinic, where the best treatment is ensured.